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TimeBank The Game is a 4week alternative reality experiment where players can use Time Coins to travel between the virtual and real worlds, learning together, creating values and transforming together during the process, presenting infinite possibilities of sustainable development!.

From a cellular perspective, players will wander between urban development and nature, and gain insight into the most fundamental ecosystem mechanisms amidst the unpredictable and destructive logic.

Players will need to physically implement the goal of sustainable development in order to gain access to Time Coin to break out of a rut and learn how to invest time, how to coexist and how to interdepend on each other.

Time Coin bridges the virtual world and the reality, allowing players to travel between the virtual and real worlds. As long as players invest time in the real world to participate in NGO environmental restoration activities, they will be rewarded with Time Coins accordingly in the virtual world in exchange for their abilities. Those pro-environmental activities are based on 6 Sustainable Development Goals(SDG) to earn Time Coins: No Hunger, Quality Education, Affordable and Clean Energy, Life Blow Water, Life on Land and Partnership for the Goals.​

TimeBank the Game will collect the ecological values created by 100 players and turn them into a data image, "Kindness Block Chain".​​

​In the online world, each player has been reborn as a cell and experience 4 virtual challenges. Their fates will be dependent upon their commitment to generate ecological values through Time Coins which will ensure their survival.​

Virtual Challenge One: Escape From The In-Vitro Meat Production Factory

Ice cold pipes
Smooth but relentless
The wind blows me away, my soul is absorbed
The journey to save food crisis is thorny
I have no choice but to move forward

In the In-Vitro meat production factory, meat production makes significantly less methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide as compared to traditional cattle grazing. Lab-grown meat requires much less land, uses less water, produces less pollution, and causes less animal suffering therefore it is debatably more effective in resolving the future food crises.

In this level, players need to avoid collisions with meat walls, propelled by a strong factory wind. The combination of pipes will challenge the player's progress in a variety of ways, including blocking, pushing and adsorption.

Virtual Challenge Two: Illuminate Your Path in Edible Bug Farm

The dark purple light tears open the corner of the night
Worms nibble on the afterglow
I move slowly through the maze
Leaving a trail of hope

By 2050 the world’s population will reach 9.1 billion. In order to feed this large, urbanized population, food production (net of food used for biofuels) must increase by 70 percent. More than 2000 insects in darkness are groomed in an edible insect farm to curb the future starvation of mankind.

In this level, players need to keep the light up by collecting fireflies. Players need to maintain light energy and avoid spiders in the darkness to stay alive and find the exit of the maze. 

Virtual Challenge Three: The Polluted Ocean Healing Journey

The stench of garbage assaulted me
I look for a way to escape
The glow of coral
I find the light of salvation

The Ocean was polluted by single-use plastics, which a lifespan of mere minutes to hours, conquering and polluting the ocean for hundreds of years. Plastic wastes containing toxic pollutants will enter our food chain when eaten by marine animals.

In this level, players need to dodge garbages and toxic gas in the polluted ocean and find coral healers for recovery.

Virtual Challenge Four: Rescue Insects from Burning Forest

Burning forests devour lives
Lift up those fallen trees
Releasing the vitality and hope of life

The forest was on fire due to deadly wildfires and droughts triggered by the climate crisis. Hotter weather makes forests and vegetation drier and therefore more prone to burning. Human-induced global warming is destroying our Earth systems. One million species may disappear for good in the forest fire.

In this level, players need to rescue insects in order to prevent their extinction and free them for ant nest construction.

Virtual Challenge Five: Escape from Burning Forest

Blockchain of kindness
Limited people unleash unlimited power
Climbing the sky ladder
I give you an outstretched hand

In this level. player need to climb the sky ladder formed by other players to escape from the burning forest.



In-Vitro Meat Factory
Edible Bug Farm
Polluted Ocean
Burning Forest
Blockchain of Kindness


Virtual World

Real World


In-Vitro Meat Production Factory

Player's Goal: avoid being absorbed by the meat walls and suction pipes


Edible Inset Farm

Player's Goal: avoid the light going out and being eaten by the bugs in the dark


Polluted Ocean

Player's Goal: Avoid being hit and deformed by the toxic thrown garbage 


Burning Forest

Screenshot 2022-11-21 at 12.33.19 AM.png

Player's Goal: Avoid the extinction of any insect species


Blockchain of Kindness

Player's Goal: Get help from other players to reach the sky


Complete a carbon Diet challenge for 7 days

Top 100 players selected

Week 1 - No Hunger

Rescue leftover bread to redistribute to people in need (homeless, refugees and their families, elderly and people recovering from mental illness)

Screenshot 2022-11-20 at 10.24.00 PM.png

Transform food waste into useful organic fertilizer


Week 2 - Quality Education

Deliver climate change presentation and make solar lamp jars with ethnic minority students 


Affordable and Clean Energy

Tour to understand renewable energy facilities and implementation roadmap in Hong Kong


Week 3 - Life Below Water

Clean the beach

Restore oyster reef and hunt for marine treasure

Week 4 - Life on Land

Repurpose fallen trees into useful tools

Get to know the cows at Grass Island and pick up trash

Week 5 - Partnerships for the Goals

Activate the soil by regenerative farming practice



Top 4 winners selected

Week1 Documentary
Week2 Documentary
Week3 Documentary
Week4 Documentary


Game Designer & Developer, 3D Artist: Yuxuan Mao


Artist and Concept: Amy Cheung

Creative Technologist and Producer: Kwan Ng

Project Manager, Writer, Documentary Director: Wing Yan Ng

Documentary Camera and Editor: Jeff Yiu 

Game Design Support: Dr. Jussi Holopainen

Carbon Diet Web Application Developer: Sam Lam & Janice Tong 

UI/UX and graphic Designer: Alice Tsang


Hong Kong Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture 2022 


carbon care innolab.jpg
breadline logo.jpeg
integrated brilliant education.jpg
vair hk.jpeg
lantau culture workshop.jpg
the nature conservancy.jpg
R Farm HK.jpg
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